Class Description:

Gain confidence in different materials and painting techniques in order to expand one’s technical repertoire.

In this class we will explore painting materials and techniques from prehistoric airbrush methods to hot wax encaustic painting, gilding, traditional egg tempera painting, Renaissance blending, and more. Through the structure of Art Historical lectures and demonstrations, students will complete a series of self-portraits using specific materials and supports in keeping with the genre and time-period that is covered each week. This class is intended to create a space that allows for play and exploration of materials that can then be translated into one’s own contemporary art-making process.

Fall Semester Dates:

Scheduled occurrences for the next semester of this class are as follows:

Week 1:
2 - 5 pm ET
Week 2:
2 - 5 pm ET
Week 3:
2 - 5 pm ET
Week 4:
2 - 5 pm ET
Week 5:
2 - 5 pm ET
Week 6:
2 - 5 pm ET
Week 7:
2 - 5 pm ET
Week 8:
2 - 5 pm ET
Week 9:
2 - 5 pm ET
Week 10:
2 - 5 pm ET
Week 11:
2 - 5 pm ET
Week 12: 12/10/2023
2 - 5 pm ET

  1. Before Class - Welcome & How to Prepare for Class

  2. Week 1 - Prehistoric Cave Painting

  3. Week 2 - Encaustic: Day I

  4. Week 3 - Encaustic: Day II

  5. Week 4- Egg Tempera: Day I

  6. Week 5 - Egg Tempera: Day II and Gilding

  • $595.00
  • In-Person
  • 12 Weeks
  • Beginner to Advanced

Meet Your Instructor

Alexandra Evans


Alexandra Evans received her BFA from the Ringling College of Art and Design and an MFA from the New York Academy of Art. She is currently a practicing artist and educator based in Yonkers, NY and co-director of programming at First Street Green Cultural Art Park, where she both curates a mural series and instructs painting workshops. Alexandra is the recipient of grants from Partnership for Parks, Citizen’s Committee and the City Parks Foundation and has participated in artist residencies including One-Sided Story in Leipzig, Germany, Vytlacil in Orangeburg, NY and the Millay Colony for the Arts, Austerlitz, NY. Her work has been shown at the HDLU Museum, Croatia; Museum Lytke, Germany; Flowers Gallery, NY, Field Projects, NY; and most recently at Spring Break Art Fair in New York City.

Achieve your artistic potential

Join us to discover traditional skills and contemporary practice